Border Security Alliance Statement Regarding Biden Border Wall

PHOENIX, AZ - Border Security Alliance President Jobe Dickinson issued the following statement regarding President Biden's decision to allow sections of the border wall to be built in Texas:

"President Biden’s decision to flip flop on his border wall position and waive federal laws to allow for border wall construction in Texas is just a political attempt to shield his many years of ignoring the border. 

"The Border Security Alliance has been trying to bring this issue to the forefront for several years. There is nothing new happening in Texas now that hasn’t been going on for the last couple years. The amount of illegal immigrants crossing in mass numbers in California, Arizona, and Texas has been a problem since 2021, yet President Biden did not act. Only now, as the media is bringing this issue to light closer to an election year, is the President doing anything about it.

"We support building this section of the wall as well as all previously approved border wall projects. The wall will help secure our border from illegal drugs, cartel activity, and illegal immigration but President Biden must do more. A comprehensive plan is needed to address this crisis." 


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